Calendar: Summer Is for Work


Over centuries folk calendar – first oral, then written – passed on agrarian experience, agricultural knowledge, meteorological observation, astronomical insight, and practical wisdom from one generation of Russian peasants to another. It also prescribed favorable dates for work in the fields, family rituals, and community celebrations.

Кустодиев. Жатва.

Кустодиев. Жатва.

The Orthodox Church attempted to transform the pagan calendar, but in popular mentality pagan gods reemerged as Christian saints, each associated with a vital life function. Pre-Christian agrarian calendar was based on the solar cycle.

The people whose destiny was to live in Russia’s harsh climate gradually developed simple rituals, magic ceremonies and a complex mythology, anthropomorphic in essence with a cult of ancestors. Myhtology link Русская языческая мифология: in Russian.

Church calendar, on the other hand, had lunar orientation. The merger of the two calendar systems explains the existence of two sets of holidays. Each year holidays originated in the pagan tradition fall on the set dates. Orthodox holidays, like Easter, are celebrated on different days. Both traditions are reflected in the Russian language in the form of numerous proverbs and sayings related to the nature cycle.

Russian traditional folk calendar (календарь) views summer (лето) as the busiest season (время года). The harvest time (страда) is derived from страдать – to suffer.

Лето крестьянину – мать и отец.
Готовь сани летом, а телегу зимой.
Красное лето два раза в году не живёт.
День летний за зимнюю неделю.
Худо лето, когда солнца нету.
Долог летний день, да коротка неделя.
Жнут страдной порой, а жуют зимой.
Зима спросит, что лето припасло.
Крестьянина не год, а летний день кормит.
Лето для старания, а зима для гуляния.
Летом ногой копнёшь, зимой рукой возьмёшь.

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2 Comments on “Calendar: Summer Is for Work”

  1. IMPARCALI Says:

    Приветствую. Автор, скажите вы из какого города? Если конечно не секрет 🙂

    • Homo Post-Sovieticus Says:

      Dallas, Texas. Where are you located and what brought you to my “slow motion” blog?
      А до этого пришлось пожить в разных городах и весях – и между Сциллой и Харибдой, и у тихой речки. Пространственная координата не суть. А Вы чьих будете?

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